One important feature that we should know about within Adobe Experience Platform is Schema relationship between a people class and non-people class. For instance, consider a scenario, where the user has added a product to cart but didn’t purchase it.

Now, there’s a sale where there is a price drop in the coming weeks where the product the user had added but not purchased is on sale too. You would like to target the user and send out a mailer or may be an SMS to get him/her to consider buying it due to the price drop!
Without creating a relationship between an experience event and the product SKU information, this use case would not be achieved as the information about the price drop would never attach with the experience event information.
This is where the schema relationship comes into picture and helps us tie the event/profile information of a user with the metadata attached to a product SKU and target them based on their past behaviour with current marketing campaigns.
Once you create a relationship between the experience event schema and the product SKU schema using the product id being passed in the experience event with the primary key of the product SKU schema, and enabling both the schemas/datasets for profile, you would then be able to keep the experience event attached with the latest product metadata with the product SKU dataset. Based on this relationship, you can then go ahead and create a segment with the product metadata appearing as properties for the product to be leveraged in the segment definition.
Would you like to know more about how to go about doing it ? Subscribe and I’ll keep you posted.
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